Prof. Dr. med. Adam Czaplinski

Chefarzt und Medizinischer Direktor Klinik für Neurologie, Klinik Hirslanden

Specialist in
Qualification certificates
Electroencephlography (SGKN)
Electroneuromyography (SGKN)
German, English, Polish

Core competencies

Multiple sclerosis, neuromuscular diseases, EMG/ENG, EEG

Professional career

2009 - to date
Chair of Neurozentrum Bellevue, Zurich
2008 - 2009
Senior Consultant, Department of Neurology, University of Basel
2003 - 2008
Acting Head of Outpatient Clinics, Department of Neurology, University of Basel
2003 - 2005
Fellow in the Department of Neurology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA
1999 - 2002
Assistant Doctor Neurology, Department of Neurology, University of Basel
1998 - 1999
Assistant Doctor Neurosurgery, Aarau Cantonal Hospital
1997 - 1998
Assistant Doctor Neurology/Neurorehabilitation, RehaKlinik Rheinfelden
1995 - 1997
Assistant Doctor Neurology/Internal Medicine, Swiss Paraplegic Centre, Basel
1994 - 1995
Assistant Doctor Internal Medicine, Bruderholz Cantonal Hospital, Basel

Schools, university & degrees and diplomas

2008 - 2010
Vice-President of Swiss Neuromuscular Society
2010 - to date
Member of Scientific Advisory Board of Swiss Multiple Sclerosis Society
Postdoctoral tertiary teaching qualification (venia docendi), University of Basel
Specialist in Neurology
Doctoral thesis: Predictive value of T2-lesion volume for the natural course of multiple sclerosis. University of Basel, Prof. Dr. L. Kappos
1987 - 1994
Studies in Human Medicine, Medical University of Gdansk, Poland and the University of Basel, Switzerland

Further information

Prof. Dr. med. Adam Czaplinski, MD is a FMH-certified neurologist (Swiss Medical Association) and Chair of Neurozentrum Bellevue in Zurich, Switzerland. Prof. Czaplinski completed his training in clinical neurology and neurophysiology in the Department of Neurology at the University of Basel (Chairs: Prof. Andreas Steck and Prof. Ludwig Kappos) in Switzerland. He continued his professional education in the Department of Neurology at Baylor College of Medicine and at the Methodist Neurological Institute (Prof. Stanley Appel) in Houston, Texas, USA. After returning to Switzerland, he obtained his Privatdozent degree (venia docendi) at the University of Basel, and served as a Senior Consultant and acting Head of the Outpatient Clinics in the Department of Neurology at the University of Basel. In 2010 he was appointed extraordinary professor of neurology. Currently, in addition to his practice activities, Prof. Czaplinski serves as an Associate in the Department of Neurology at the University of Basel, as well as a Consultant and Affiliated Physician at the at the Hirslanden Clinic Zurich, Hirslanden Clinic Aarau and Im Park Clinic in Zurich. Professor Czaplinski is author of several scientific publications and a member of Swiss, European and American neurological societies.

Memberships and partnerships

  • Swiss Neurological Society (SNG)
  • Swiss Society of Clinical Neurophysiology (SGKN)
  • European Neurological Society (ENS)
  • American Academy of Neurology (AAN)
  • Swiss Medical Association (FMH)
  • Swiss Multiple Sclerosis Society (SMSG)
  • Swiss Society for Muscle Diseases (SGMK