- Société Vaudoise de Médecine – SVM
- Fédération des Médecins Suisses – FMH
- European Society of Radiology
- Société Française de Radiologie – SFR
Radiology institute Cecil
+41 21 310 57 75
Core competencies
- Imaging of hepatobiliary and pancreatic pathologies (CT, MRI, ultrasound)
- Imaging of intestinal pathologies (entero-CT, entero-MRI)
- Imaging of pelvic static disorders (defecography-MRI)
Professional career
- 2012 - 2019
- Chief Physician – Hôpital Riviera-Chablais
- Referent for abdominal imaging
- 2009 - 2012
- Senior Physician – CHUV, Lausanne
- Abdominal MRI unit – Prof. Denys
- Senology, Ultrasound, Pelvic MRI Unit – Prof. Meuwly
- Paediatric Radiation Unit – Prof. Gudinchet
- Osteo-articular Unit – Prof. Theumann
- Neuroradiology Unit – Prof. Meuli
Schools, university & degrees and diplomas
- 2009
- FMH specialist in Radiology
- 2004
- Doctor’s diploma in Medicine – Brussels
Further information
- Anaye A, Perrenoud G, Duran R, Guntern D, Rognin N, Arditi M, Schnyder P, Meuwly J.Y. Computer-aided evaluation of dynamic vascular enhancement of focal liver lesions in contrast ultrasound. In: SGR-SSR, Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Radiology, St. Gallen (Switzerland).
- Anaye A, Perrenoud G, Rognin N, Arditi M, Meuli R, Meuwly J.Y. Computer-aided assessment of focal liver lesions from their dynamic vascular patterns in contrast ultrasound. In: RSNA, 95th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America., Chicago (USA).
- Rognin N, Mercier L, Frinking P, Arditi M, Perrenoud G, Anaye A, Meuwly JY. Parametric Imaging of Dynamic Vascular Patterns of Focal Liver Lesions in Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound. In: IEEE Ultrasonics Symp. Rome (Italy).
- Rognin N, Arditi M, Mercier L, Frinking P, Anaye A, Perrenoud G, Meuwly JY. Parametric imaging of dynamic vascular patterns of focal liver lesions in contrast-enhanced ultrasound. In: 15th European Symposium on Ultrasound Contrast Imaging, Rotterdam (The Netherlands).
- Anaye A, Haller C, Doenz F, Deglise S, Febrer G, Denys A, Qanadli S. Long-term follow-up after endovascular treatment of benign superior vena cava obstructions. In: ICR, International Congress of Radiology, Marrakech (Morocco).
- Anaye A, Matos C, Bali M-A, Delhaye M, Avni E-F. MRI and chronic pancreatitis in children, a pictorial review. In: JFR, Journées Françaises de Radiologie.
- Anaye A, Goncalves-Matoso V, Meuwly J.-Y, Schnyder P, Schmidt S. High-field (3T) magnetic resonance defecography with functional assessment of the evacuation phase: A pictorial essay. In: ECR, European Congress of Radiology, Vienna (Austria).
- Anaye A, J.-Y. Meuwly, A. Denys, F. Becce, R. Meuli, S. Schmidt. Benign lesions of the upper abdomen mimicking malignancies on MR diffusion weighted imaging. In: ESGAR, European Society for Gastro-intestinal and Abdominal Radiology, Dresden (Germany).
- S. Artemisia, A. Denys, L. Alamo-Maestre, A. Anaye, J. Rey, R. Meuli, S. Schmidt. Placental insertion anomalies: What can we expect from MRI? In: JFR, Journées Françaises de Radiologie, Paris (France).
- Anaye A., Sarro R., Bouzourene H., Meuli R., Meuwly J.Y. Contrast-enhanced ultrasound of focal liver lesions: How predictive is washout for malignancy. In: SSR, Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Radiology, Interlaken (Switzerland).
- Ischemic stroke of the artery of percheron: Spectrum of imaging findings on MDCT and MRI. Saverot A., Treyvaud M.O., Anaye A., Knoepfli A.S., Hagmann P., Meuli R., Maeder P. In SSR, 99th Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Radiology.
- 2005 Damry N, Anaye A, Tran E, Avni F, Christophe C. Acute myocardial infarction and MRI: a comparison of infarct size by MRI and peak creatine kinase after a first episode. Ann Cardiol Angeiol. 2005 Sep - 54(5):250-6.
- 2008 Anaye A, Moschopoulos C, Agneessens E, Hainaux B. Pneumoscrotum, pneumomediastinum, pneumothorax, and pneumorrhachis following colon surgery. Radiology Case Reports. 2008 Volume 3, Issue 4.
- 2009 Anaye A, Mathieu A, Closset J, Bali MA, Metens T, Matos C. Successful preoperative localization of a small pancreatic insulinoma by diffusion-weighted MRI. JOP. 2009 Sep 4 - 10(5):528-31.
- 2010 Rognin NG, Arditi M, Mercier L, Frinking PJ, Schneider M, Perrenoud G, Anaye A, MeuwlyJY, Tranquart F. Parametric imaging for characterizing focal liver lesions in contrast-enhanced ultrasound. IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control. 2010 Nov - 57(11):2503-11. Delaloye JF, Capoccia Brugger R, Ifticene Treboux A, Anaye A, Meuwly JY. Ultrasonography-guided drainage should be considered as the first-line approach for the treatment of breast abscess. Rev Med Suisse. 2010 Oct 27 - 6(268):2010-2.
- 2011 Anaye A, Perrenoud G, Rognin N, Arditi M, Mercier L, Frinking P, Ruffieux C, Peetrons P, Meuli R, Meuwly JY. Differentiation of Focal Liver Lesions: Usefulness of Parametric Imaging with Contrast-enhanced US. Radiology. 2011 Oct - 261(1):300-10.
- 2012 Becce F, Mouhsine E, Mosimann PJ, Anaye A, Letovanec I, Theumann N. Percutaneous CT guided treatment of osteochondritis dissecans of the sacroiliac joint. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2012 Aug - 35(4):963-7.
- 2013 Alamo L, Anaye A, Rey J, Denys A, Bongartz G, Terraz S, Artemisia S, Meuli R, Schmidt S. Detection of suspected placental invasion by MRI: Do the results depend on observer’s experience? Eur J Radiol. 2013 Feb - 82(2):e51-7.
- 2014 Sikiminywa-Kambale P, Anaye A, Roulet D, Pezzetta E. Internal hernia through the foramen of Winslow: a diagnosis to consider in moderate epigastric pain. J Surg Case Rep. 2014 Jun 25 - 2014(6)
- 2016 Cherbanyk F, Prod'homme M, Pezzetta E, Chevaux B, Anaye A, Boillat JJ. Urothelial Carcinoma Recurrence in an Ileal Neobladder Nine Years after Primary Surgery with Muir-Torre Syndrome. Case Rep Urol. 2016 - 2016:4762514.
- 2017 Dunet V, Halkic N, Prior JO, Anaye A, Meuli RA, Sempoux C, Denys A, Schmidt S. Detection and Viability of Colorectal Liver Metastases After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: A Multiparametric PET/CT-MRI Study. Clin Nucl Med. 2017 Apr - 42(4):258-263.
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